SALIGAN works with children and child-focused NGOs and networks for the fulfillment of children’s right to participate in decision-making and governance processes. SALIGAN has child rights programming and child protection policies mainstreamed across all its programs and strategies.

Litigation support

SALIGAN handles cases that curtail children’s right to participate in decision-making processes on issues affecting them, including representation in governance.

Legal education

SALIGAN conducts paralegal formation with children to enable them to engage with formal and informal structures of government. Stakeholders and service providers are also trained to adopt child rights programming and to work on policies that would fulfill children’s rights.

Policy work

SALIGAN, with children and child rights advocates, work for the right of children to participate in local governance processes and to be consulted on all matters affecting them. SALIGAN has drafted an ordinance template on children’s participation in partnership with Save the Children Philippines, and now works with various local government units in adopting the same. Specifically, SALIGAN is working on children’s right to participation on issues of relocation and displacement caused by natural and man-made disasters and calamities.

Research and publication

SALIGAN has published the Children’s Manual on Local Governance Participation. We also published research on Strengthening Child Rights Systems in Rehabilitation/DRR in Haiyan Affected Areas, and Child Rights-Centered Assessment Report of Off-City Relocation Mechanism of Informal Settler Families (ISFs).

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