SALIGAN works with CSOs seeking ways toward sustainable development. We file cases on violations affecting the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology. We capacitate the basic sectors to enable them to protect the environment.
SALIGAN works with CSOs in seeking ways toward sustainable development. SALIGAN advocated for the adoption of the Rules of Procedure in Environmental Cases. We handle environmental cases and continue to explore both domestic and international remedies to bring groups and businesses with unsound practices to account. SALIGAN pushes for legislative acts and executive issuances both in the national and local levels that aim to protect people’s right to health and the environment such as the Davao Environment Code. SALIGAN recognizes the important role of communities in environmental protection. We develop and train paralegals as an alternative law enforcement mechanism towards a community-based environmental protection strategy. SALIGAN has published a Manual on Environmental Laws and has adopted an internal policy on environmental protection.
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